
Did the Wizards tarnish Mike's legacy?

Every sports star fails sooner or later...

Even though Michael Jordan pronounced in many commercials that he had failed many many times, as though none of us really realised this point.

To him, his tenure with the Wizards might not have been a failure, if not for the sacking at the end. His failings in life began when he wasn't drafted into his high school team. We, as spectators and fans, never felt those failures. We saw only success—game winning shots, million dollar endorsements and championship rings, not to mention a slew of other awards and accolades.

To his fans, MJ was immortalised when he hit that final game-winning shot. For many, including myself, it was the greatest moment in sporting history. Yet, MJ still had the itch. He came back with the Wizards —and yes, we forgave him for looking a little odd in that uniform.

His body, though still in great shape, had the touch of the middle-aged about it. He was still great, in bouts, but he never captured our imagination like before. In fact, some of us were a little embarrassed to see him out there.

It looked a little strange somehow, as if a golden statue already in its case was suddenly called upon to work again.

Michael Jordan's competitiveness, such a pivotal aspect of his personality, was still on full display. Only now, it seemed to lack a bit of perspective. The fact that he came back shortly after the September 11 attacks didn't help matters.

It seemed as if that sort of fiery competitiveness was okay, even great, during one's younger years—but as one got older, it seemed as if he should be moving on to other ventures. Basketball had already given him everything, but he still wanted more.

Nevertheless, MJ remains a basketball God. As a person, he is perhaps wiser for having made the move to the Wizards.

As fans, we wanted to live in fantasy. But Michael Jordan, throughout the fantasies others have conjured about him, has always remained a practical person. He will move on from the failures.

We're still trying to move on from him.

Thank Vinny Do from the Bleacher Report for the story.

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