No not Mike Jordan, another Mike, Michael Jackson.

That's right, Michael Jackson is 50 years old today. The man is responsible for inspiring a generation of singers and dancers much like Michael Jordan inspired a generation of basketball players and athletes.
Just take a look at the super stars in the NBA, they all in some way try to look Like Mike on the court. Now look at the super star singers and dancers of today, they all try to move Like Mike, sound Like Mike, dress Like Mike. Without Michael Jackson we would not have people like Usher, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake and a long list of others that have followed in Mike's footsteps.

Although Mike's personal life in the last 15 years have been a well documented freak show, he is still my favorite artist of all time without question.
I'm taking all the way back to 1974 with this video of Mike and his brothers performing one of my all time favorites, "Dancing Machine" live on the Merv Griffen show.
Mike killed it, popping and locking, doing the robot, spinning and sliding across the stage. It's a classic example of why Mike is and always will be the best that ever did it.
Happy 50th Birthday Mike.
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